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Welcome to Kindergarten! Here is a supply list:

1 dozen #2 yellow pencils (no mechanical pencils)

1 pair blunt scissors (fiskar-type preferred)

6-8 glue sticks

4 boxes (24 count) crayons *one box to be given out each 9 weeks

1 plastic school box

1 large boxes tissues

1 bottle hand sanitizer and/or hand soap

1 package of anti-bacterial wipes

1 package of 4 dry erase markers

1 pair of headphones to use with laptop (no earpods please)

1 set of extra clothing (pants/shorts, shirt, underwear and sock to be left in backpack)

Any donations of extra supplies, copy paper, dry erase markers, or glue sticks are always appreciated. 

In our classroom we...

  • are kind to one another,
  • will share our materials,
  • will include everyone,
  • will respect our environment,
  • will have listening ears,
  • will have gentle hands.

Most importantly we will have fun and learn everyday!

Classroom Books