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First Grade Supply List
1 dozen #2 yellow pencils (no mechanical pencils)
1 pair blunt scissors (fiskar-type preferred)
6 glue sticks
4 boxes (24 count) crayons *one box to be given out each 9 weeks
1 plastic school box
1 large box of tissues
1 package of anti-bacterial wipes
1 package of 4 dry erase markers
1 wide rule hard-bound composition book
1 wide rule spiral notebook
2 - pocket folders with prongs (if available)
1 headphones
Classroom Rules
Rule 1 - Follow Directions quickly
Rule 2 - Raise your hand for permission to speak
Rule 3 - Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat
Rule 4 - Make smart choices
Rule 5 - Keep our dear learning community happy
Diamond Rule - Keep your eyes on the target
Grade Level Web-page - https://sites.google.com/cmcss.net/rossviewfirstgrade/home