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In our classroom, we are a family of learners with clear classroom rules and expectations that students will be expected to adhere to follow:
- I will be kind and respectful.
- I will listen when others are speaking.
- I will follow directions quickly and when asked the first time.
- I will work hard, focus, and give my very best every day.
- I will keep our learning community happy.
Mrs. Boone’s 3rd Grade Supply List
This is the list of supplies students need as they start 3rd grade. (If you have already purchased the district list those will work as well. I have found that these items work best for OUR classroom)
- Clip board
- 3 highlighters
- 5 plastic 3-prong pocket folders
- 1 package of anti-bacterial wipes
- 1 package of BLACK dry erase markers (fine tip preferred)
- 6 composition notebooks (hard cover-preferred)
- 1 zippered supply pouch
- Headphones
- Sheet protectors
Classroom Books