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Hello, my name is Mrs. Boone and I am so excited to be apart of your third grade journey!

I graduated from Austin Peay State University. I have been married to my amazing husband for 13 years and we have 3 handsome boys. I love long tummy aching laughs and beach trips. In my spare time, I enjoy traveling, gardening, and shopping!!

Everyday I make it my mission to spread kindness and smiles! “How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time!” -Morgan Freema
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Classroom Rules and Expectations

In our classroom, we are a family of learners with clear classroom rules and expectations that students will be expected to adhere to follow:

  • I will be kind and respectful to everyone and everything.
  • I will listen when others are speaking.
  • I will follow directions quickly and when asked the first time.
  • I will work hard, focus, and give my very best every day.
  • I will keep my dear teacher happy!!

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Classroom Books