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I'm Marli, and I'm ecstatic to be teaching 2nd grade!

I look forward to endlessly learning and growing in unison with my students and believe that love and empathy should be at the forefront of teaching. I do my best to have personable relationships with my parents and want my kiddos to enjoy learning as they have memorable moments. I'm incredibly mushy and put forth immense effort into making my babies feel like somebody when they are with me. I am fluent in Spanish and was born in Aguadilla Puerto Rico, but am originally from Isabela, PR. I was active-duty army for nearly 4 years prior to going back to school to pursue a career in education; because of this it is important for me to provide support to my students with a parent or parents in the armed forces. I also have a 3-year-old son who is adored beyond measure that I share alongside my loving husband. I look forward to another year of forever memories!
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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
-Nelson Mandela

Classroom Books