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I love teaching second grade here at Rossview Elementary. I enjoy so much coming to school every day and seeing the beautiful smiles and eager attitudes my students have about learning! A little information about me: I have been teaching here at Rossview since 2010 after graduating from Austin Peay here in Clarksville, and I have loved every year! I am truly looking forward to getting to know your child and helping them be successful this year in 2nd Grade! 2nd Grade is my very favorite grade to teach, and I hope I can share my love of learning, school, and 2nd grade with your child! I am always available and eager to help in any way I can to help them achieve their best!
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To see a copy of the current week's newsletter, please click on the link to the 2nd grade website and then click on newsletters.  If you need a paper copy, please let me know!

In addition to the newspaper, I will send home a paper each week in the back cover of the School-Home Communication Folder that gives a brief description of what we are learning each week, along with our spelling words to practice for homework.

Treat others the way you would like to be treated!

  • Listen and follow directions
  • Raise your hand for permission to speak or leave your seat
  • Always be honest
  • Be a kind and caring friend
  • Always try your best

Classroom Books